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  • A child wearing Scottish dress and a feathered hat is mounted on a Shetland pony. Steel engraving by J. Cochrane after W. Salter, 1845.
  • A young man wearing a chain bearing a cross with a message about how he is proud to be gay and a list of national contacts for free confidential support groups for gay men in Australia; advertisement by the AFAO [Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations] and Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men's Health Centre. Colour lithograph.
  • A group of men looking in different directions within a red and white border surrounded by comments about AIDS related issues; an advertisement for safer sex in gay relationships by the AIDS Committee of Toronto. Colour lithograph by Sandra Guerra and Paul Johnston, 1994.
  • Advertisement by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe
  • A young gay man with an earring smiles with two other men behind him with the message "Okay: I am gay" and "I am strong"; an advertisement by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Reinhard Lorenz, Claus-Wilhelm Klinker and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • A group of men looking in different directions within a red and white border surrounded by comments about AIDS related issues; an advertisement for safer sex in gay relationships by the AIDS Committee of Toronto. Colour lithograph by Sandra Guerra and Paul Johnston, 1994.
  • A family doctor, an obstetrician, a sensationalist author-doctor and a hypnotist; all pruriently satirised under the guise of moralism, as promoted by James Morison and his pharmaceutical company. Lithograph, 1852.
  • A family doctor, an obstetrician, a sensationalist author-doctor and a hypnotist; all pruriently satirised under the guise of moralism, as promoted by James Morison and his pharmaceutical company. Lithograph, 1852.
  • A doctor who writes books of sexual advice talking to his cynical publisher. Coloured lithograph, 1852.
  • King's Cross, London: the Great Dust-Heap, next to Battle Bridge and the Smallpox Hospital. Watercolour painting by E. H. Dixon, 1837.
  • King's Cross, London: the Great Dust-Heap, next to Battle Bridge and the Smallpox Hospital. Watercolour painting by E. H. Dixon, 1837.
  • King's Cross, London: the Great Dust-Heap, next to Battle Bridge and the Smallpox Hospital. Watercolour painting by E. H. Dixon, 1837.
  • Unmarried mothers being brought before a court hearing and judged severely. Woodcut.
  • A concert hall. Watercolour and crayons by Tomasz Sitkowski, 1976.
  • A half-naked youth offers food to a snake coiled round a tree trunk. Engraving by C.-C. Bervic after J.-F.-L. Mérimée, 1798.
  • The preacher George Whitefield standing on a table and preaching to a crowd of supporters in London while he is insufflated by a devil. Etching, 1763.
  • Stages in the career of an Anglican cleric. Coloured etching by F.G. Byron, 1791, after G.M. Woodward.
  • Stages in the career of an Anglican cleric. Coloured etching by F.G. Byron, 1791, after G.M. Woodward.